
On the following two pages an example for a slide with a remark is given. These pages are produced with a magnification of 1728. The input for the example is shown in the following. The blank titlepage is not presented, it is a trick to produce a running head even on the first page of a document. Normally, the first slide giving the title of the presentation does not need such a running head.

% titlepage used, because first page
% should have a running head

\renewcommand{\conference}{TUGboat 1990}

\markright{An Easy Way Making Slides With

% see p. 162 of Lamport's LaTeX book,
% the first page should have a
% running head

     A Short-Cut to Your Slides:
    \item take your finished
       {\tt article} file
    \item add the style option
       {\tt eslides}
    \item initialize
    \item put some
       around the parts you
       want to present
    \item comment out the rest
    \item run \LaTeX
   This is a note to myself,
   perhaps reminding me of
   what I wanted to say here,
   e.~g.\ that this note is
   stolen from Lamport's
   \LaTeX\ book.
